Ebony Schultz

Hello Everyone! My name is Ebony Schultz. I am Arikara and a member of the MHA Nation tribe in North Dakota. Currently, I am an Environmental Science undergrad student at United Tribes Technical College and am so ecstatic to be an ESIIL STAR! I was born and raised in North Dakota. I love to hike, kayak, fish, play volleyball… almost anything outdoors.

My Family

P1270106 2 Kippy

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Education Background

Before studying Environmental Science, I briefly studied Culinary Arts and even worked in a high-end from scratch restaurant. I quickly learned that cooking was only a passion and not what I wanted to focus my career path on. From there I decided to go back to school and study Environmental Science at United Tribes Technical College. Now, I am wrapping up the last couple credits to complete an Associate’s degree and I plan on staying at UTTC to complete a Bachelors of Science. After that I want to continue for a Masters degree. In what specifically? I am not certain yet. However I think that it is wise to keep an open mind as there are many different fields of Environemental Science. During my journey in college so far, I have met many many interesting, intelligent beings that are filled up to the ears with knowledge and quite a few speak so passionately about their field and craft; I yearn to find that in a career. I love nature: feeling the warmth of the heat from the sun, hearing the sounds of critters calling and the river flowing, and observing organisms doing their honest work. Surely need and graditude can be found in all of natures elements… and homeowners. The slap of a cold December night in North Dakota is a begrudgingly effective reminder that we are alive! The thick hot air in July makes the river water just that much more relieving when jumping in. Mighty misquitos do the most in their primetime by turning humans to type B and O cocktail bars in the summer, and in turn, bats feed on the pesky mosquitos for nourishment. Everything and everyone is connected. Now is the time to defend nature and tend to our home, Earth, and our neighbors, the millions of other species of organisms.

Map of UTTC


To be continued